Mobility scooter hire in Disneyland Paris

for seniors & people with disabilities

Rental Request

If you plan to go to Disneyland Paris or another park in Marne-la-Vallee, you may wish to consider hiring an electic scooter for your stay.

- You are a person :

  • with disability,
  • with reduced mobility (PMR),
  • senior

- You plan to travel to Paris,

- We rent different kind of mobility scooters and wheelchairs

We deliver and collect mobility scooters at your hotel resort or residence.


Thanks to complete the following form to do a reservation.
To be sure to have a mobility scooter, please reserve in advance.

french version


pictures for information only

Mobility scooter rental request


Nota bene : A mobility scooter is a mobility aid equivalent to a wheelchair but configured like a motorscooter.